Help & Advice First Steps

Letting people know

Along with relatives and friends, there are a number of people that you’ll need to advise about the death. These might include their:

– Employer

– School

– Solicitor/Accountant

– Bank and Building Society

– Utility Suppliers

– Phone and Broadband Provider

Along with Government organisations:

– The relevant Tax office

– National Insurance Contributions Office if they were self-employed (to cancel payments)

– Child benefit Office (within eight weeks at the latest)

– Local authority if they paid Council Tax, had a parking permit, were issued with a Blue Badge for disabled parking or received social services help, attended day care or similar

– UK Identity and Passport Service, to return and cancel a passport

– DVLA, to return any driving licence, cancel car tax or return car registration documents/change ownership

White Dove Funeral Home will be able to advise you on anyone else who might need informing so please do check with us if you’re unsure. We can also help you with the wording and placing of announcements in local or national papers.

There is also a website called that allows you to make one notification that will then be used to contact all the participating organisations that you select. To see all the organisations that are part of the service visit

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