Personal, professional funeral services

Proudly serving the local community of Dunstable and surrounding areas

Prices from


Find out more *excl. third party fees

Part of Funeral Partners Limited

Independent reviews by Much Loved

    Welcome to our Home

    White Dove Funeral Home is a local funeral directors serving in and around the Dunstable area. An experienced and compassionate funeral directors who provide a comprehensive and caring service to help guide you through a difficult time.

    At White Dove Funeral Home, you will be personally greeted by Kelly and Angie who provide a high standard of care and dedication to you and your family.

    Anyone who wishes to visit our homely and peaceful premises to discuss funeral arrangements are more than welcome to do so. Alternatively, we are more than happy to visit you in your own home. We’re here for you in your time of need, day or night. We can be contacted 24 hours a day, by telephone, and are here to discuss your needs. Or if you prefer, we can visit your home to discuss funeral arrangements.

    Learn more about us

    Our locations

    Our Services

    Types of funerals

    Our dedicated staff are there to advise you personally in making arrangements which meet your loved one’s needs, whether that is a traditional, horse drawn, motor bike, hearse or alternative funeral. We will ensure that each and every detail is discussed with you thoroughly and will go the extra mile to ensure that the day is all you expect. We’re always happy to cater for the needs of different ethnicities, religious groups and non-religious groups and can tailor the funeral to an individual’s needs.

    If you need to arrange a funeral, call our helpful team today and we’ll be by your side every step of the way.

    Flower arrangement for a funeral

    Products & Services

    Funerals are incredibly personal so everything will be built around your needs. Please do let us know if you have any special requests and we’ll do our best to help. We’ll listen to you and let you choose the level of support you would like, whilst guiding you through the practical and legal requirements.

    Funeral Notice, Donations and Tribute Service


    View funeral notices and tributes to your loved one and leave a donation in their memory

    View funeral notices

    Latest News

    We take great pride on supporting the local community. We regularly organise and participate in events and fundraising activities.

    View latest news

    Thinking about a Funeral Plan?


    Choice Funeral Plans enable you to arrange and pay for your Funeral Director Services in advance, which could provide peace of mind to you and your family.

    Learn more about Choice Funeral Plans

    We're available 24 hours 365 days a year

    Call 01582 699 884 visit branch or arrange a home visit